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Medinet Mail FAQs

Medinet Mail says it will not work on my browser

Samsung's android browser and other non-conforming browsers are not supported so you need to use Chrome, Safari or Edge browsers. If you don't have Chrome on your phone open the play store, search for Chrome and install it.

Once you have Chrome installed you have to make it your default browser. You will find instructions on how to do this here.

After you've installed Chrome - go back to your original email and click the link again.

How do I send secure email?

Use our secure Webmail app. It works the same way. All your secure correspondence is held in one place, and you can get access anywhere you have an Internet connection.

What do I use it for?

Physicians will find many different uses for our secure email. You can exchange confidential patient information  with colleagues, send medical histories and consultation letters to other medical offices, request appointments, all in a completely safe and secure environment.

We expect that some physicians will want to use Medinet Mail to communicate securely with patients. Since patients can send and receive messages at no charge once they are set up as a guest, keeping in touch becomes easy and convenient.

Why do I need secure email?

In the usual case, Internet mail travels from your desktop to your outbound mail server. From there, it is routed over a series of third-party mail servers until it reaches the mail server for the address you sent it to. From there, the final user will download it. All these transfers happens in plain text, so the contents of your message and any attachments are wide open for spam readers, security hackers and other dangerous elements.

You and your local mail provider have no control over which mail servers your message might hit as it travels to the destination.

What kind of information is private?

Private information is anything that identifies a patient or another person who is the subject of your email. So patient names, PHNs, home addresses and the like cannot be sent over plain email. Since Messaging emails are encrypted  and travel directly to your addressee over our secure network, you are always within compliance with the BCMA Physician Privacy Toolkit rules.

How does it work?

Messages travel from your desktop over a secure channel to our mail servers. The recipient is sent a notification to their regular email which contains a link to open their secure message. If your addressee is not yet a Medinet Mail user, they will be asked to register as a guest on the system. This is a one-time setup; from there on, notifications of new messages will arrive automatically.

What about attachments?

You can attach documents, lab reports, medical histories and other confidential information to your messages, and they will travel safely and securely over our encrypted channels.

When can I start using it?

Send us an email to requesting a mail account and we'll contact you.